Calgary Dentures: 5 Signs You Need New Dentures

Calgary Dentures: 5 Signs You Need New Dentures

Dentures are essential for many, but they require replacement over time to maintain comfort and functionality. In this blog, Health Today outlines five key signs you may need new dentures: persistent discomfort or pain, difficulty chewing or speaking, visible wear and tear, changes in fit, and bad breath or gum infections. These issues often arise due to changes in your mouth’s structure or the natural wear of the dentures. Regular check-ups can help identify these problems early and ensure your dentures are well-fitting and effective. If you experience any of these signs, consult with our team at Health Today to explore your options for adjustments or replacements to improve your oral health and quality of life.

Dentures are a vital part of many people's lives, providing the ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. However, like all dental appliances, dentures are not designed to last forever. Over time, they can wear out, become uncomfortable, or fail to function properly. At Health Today, we understand the importance of well-fitting, functional dentures for your overall well-being. In this blog, we share insights from Calgary denturists on the top five signs that indicate you may need new dentures.

Dentures play a critical role in restoring function and aesthetics for individuals who have lost their natural teeth. While they are designed to be durable, they do not last indefinitely. Knowing when it’s time to replace your dentures can save you from discomfort, poor oral health, and decreased quality of life. Here are five key signs that you might need new dentures, as advised by our expert Calgary denturists.

1. Persistent Discomfort or Pain

One of the most obvious signs that you may need new dentures is persistent discomfort or pain. Well-fitting dentures should feel comfortable and secure. If you experience ongoing soreness, irritation, or pain, it could be due to changes in your gum and bone structure, which can cause dentures to become ill-fitting over time.

What to Do:

If you notice persistent discomfort, schedule an appointment with your denturist. They can assess the fit of your dentures and determine whether adjustments or a replacement is necessary. Don’t ignore the pain, as it can lead to further oral health issues.

2. Difficulty Chewing or Speaking

Dentures are designed to restore normal function, allowing you to chew and speak effectively. If you find yourself struggling to eat certain foods or if your speech becomes slurred or unclear, it may be a sign that your dentures are worn out or no longer fit properly.

What to Do:

Consult with your denturist if you experience difficulty chewing or speaking. They can evaluate your dentures and make recommendations for adjustments or replacements to restore proper function.

3. Visible Wear and Tear

Over time, dentures can show signs of wear and tear. This includes cracks, chips, or worn-down teeth. Visible damage not only affects the appearance of your dentures but can also impact their functionality and fit.

What to Do:

Regularly inspect your dentures for any signs of damage. If you notice any visible wear and tear, it’s important to visit your denturist. They can determine whether repairs are sufficient or if a new set of dentures is needed.

4. Changes in Fit

Your mouth naturally changes over time, which can affect the fit of your dentures. If your dentures feel loose, cause sore spots, or frequently slip out of place, it’s a clear indication that they no longer fit properly.

What to Do:

A poor fit can lead to significant discomfort and oral health problems. Schedule a visit with your denturist to discuss your symptoms. They can adjust your current dentures or create a new set that fits more comfortably and securely.

5. Bad Breath or Gum Infections

Persistent bad breath or frequent gum infections can be a sign that your dentures are not fitting correctly or are not being cleaned properly. Ill-fitting dentures can trap food particles and bacteria, leading to unpleasant odors and infections.

What to Do:

Maintain a strict oral hygiene routine, including regular cleaning of your dentures. If bad breath or gum infections persist, consult your denturist. They can check for underlying issues with the fit of your dentures and recommend solutions to improve your oral health.

Recognizing the signs that you need new dentures is crucial for maintaining your oral health and quality of life. Persistent discomfort, difficulty chewing or speaking, visible wear and tear, changes in fit, and bad breath or gum infections are all indicators that it may be time for a replacement. At Health Today, we are dedicated to providing the best care and support for denture wearers. If you’re experiencing any of these signs, don’t hesitate to reach out to our expert team for an evaluation.

Replacing your dentures at the right time can make a significant difference in your comfort and overall well-being. Trust the insights from our experienced Calgary denturists to guide you through the process and ensure you receive the best possible care. Call us today and embrace the opportunity to improve your oral health and enjoy the benefits of well-fitting, functional dentures.


Persistent discomfort, difficulty chewing or speaking, visible wear and tear, changes in fit, and bad breath or gum infections are key signs you may need new dentures.

Clean your dentures daily, handle them with care, and visit your denturist regularly for check-ups and adjustments.

Your denturist will evaluate your current dentures, discuss your symptoms, and take new measurements to create a well-fitting, comfortable new set of dentures. Call us for more personalized information.

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